Monday, June 29, 2009

building biodiesel processors Tips

There has been much talk of biofuels and in particular biodiesel being touted as a more carbon friendly alternative to traditional petroleum based fuel. If you run a diesel engine and are familiar with biodiesel fuel blends you might want to give it a try.

And conversion kits are readily available for older diesel engines. Biodiesel is widely available today. It is less toxic than table salt and biodegrades as fast as sugar.

Making biodiesel is actually quite simple when you think about it. An engine that runs on biodiesel is much healthier so the saving is not just by the biodiesel cost compared to petrodiesel but by the maintenance costs. These are all renewable resources that are grown on farms all across the country.

Using biodiesel is very cost effective and can save a lot of money. So, is biodiesel good or bad for the environment?

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