Biodiesel fuel is becoming a popular alternative to regular gasoline and diesel that we all buy at the corner gas station. If you run a diesel engine and are familiar with biodiesel fuel blends you might want to give it a try.
Biodiesel refers to the pure fuel before blending with diesel fuel. In fact studies on engines that were converted from regular diesel have shown that using biodiesel cleans away the deposits and residue the regular fuel leaves behind, leading to better fuel economy. Biodiesel is available nationwide.
Higher than that of pure petrodiesel, this excellent lubricating property of biodiesel can greatly contribute to lengthening the life of an engine's fuel injector. Because it is also a naturally oxygenated fuel and contains very little sulfur and aromatics it is an extremely clean burning fuel. Most manufactured diesel engines are still designed for petroleum diesel.
Which ever route you choose getting your processor set up at home is not that difficult. Despite agreement in principle that biodiesel has a role to play in helping to reduce emissions unless politicians give clear guidelines about the future of renewable fuels there will continue to be a haphazard take up around the world.
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