Sunday, April 12, 2009

biodiesel tdi For The Beginner

Biodiesel is the name of a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from domestic, renewable resources. Biodiesel blends, a mixture of petroleum diesel and biodiesel, can be used in any diesel engine.

Even if there is an oil spill, the amount of harm will be negligible as compared to an oil spill from a normal source. These are all renewable resources that are grown on farms all across the country. Biodiesel is widely available today.

Biodiesel and ethanol are produced from plant oils and from edible crops meaning competition for basic foodstuffs, food or oil. It is less toxic than table salt and biodegrades as fast as sugar. In colder climates, biodiesel tends to lose viscosity, particularly at higher blend levels.

There are subsequent environmental benefits when choosing to use biodiesel over conventional petroleum based diesel. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form or it may also be blended with petroleum diesel.

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